
匯控2008年第三季業績及管理層報告 (預告)



  1. 美國及英國地區第三季的壞帳率如何?撥備情況如何?
  2. 息差在上升還是下跌?趨勢如何?
  3. 存款及貸款的增長情況?
  4. 新興市場的經營狀況及展望如何?
  5. 香港地區收入增長的倒退情況?
  6. 集團有否特別措施應對金融海嘯?對未來的經濟預測等等?


7 則留言:

匿名 說...



凱迪 說...



kin992 說...


因為複利息...5蚊買HSBC 升到100蚊..看似升了20倍..但當中的股息卻係戲玉..你可以選擇以股代息..若計HSBC 未除淨的股價..你便知道它的威力..

N/A 說...

早前搶佔英國按揭市場唔知會唔會損失慘重呢 !!!

匿名 說...

1)HUSI 08Q2 既優按開始由盈轉虧,Q3 如何?
2)HSBCF subprime mortgage 同 consumer finance 差唔多各估一半, subprime mortgage write off 超過50%, consumer finance 基本上冇咩點write 過, 美國Q3失業率狂升對consumer finance 有何影響?
3)Credit crunch 之下, 美國果1200億美金bonds refinance cost 究竟要幾多, 如果去到7-8厘, 有冇realistic plan 用平錢減債?
4)英國成20年冇試過一次過減息1.5%, 果道d 樓仲連升得耐過美國, 國家產業結構更偏重於金融業, 宜家咩情況?

DBS HK Q3 倒退38%, Q3 應該未反映到Leh 既野, non-interest inc 都大跌20%, 應係同股市成交commission 有關, 有冇non interest inc 倒退情況既forecast?

pisces 說...

Mr. 大口仔, Need your insight on this.

It is about minibond, not HSBC related.

There are 13 different minibond (issued by Pacific International Finance) that are invested into the exact same security: {{ Lehman US Dollar Liquidity Fund Institutional Reserve Accumulation Class (ISIN: IE00B03TKP85); }, total face value is over HKD 7.1 billion, (There are total $15.7 billion minibonds in HK market).
Each series has different reference entities. Some are overlapping in the reference entities.
For example, series # has reference entities to HSBC, Standard Chartered bank,
series #23: Amex, Bank of America, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JP Morgan Chase, Standard Chartered Bank.
series #25: Amex, Bank of America, Barclays Bank, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank.
series #27: Amex, Citigroup, Deutche Bank, Credit Suisse group, Goldman Saches, Merril Lynch, Morgan Stanley.
Given the fact that each minibond is linkted to 7 reference entities credit event, and subject to the underlying CDOs value,
it seems odd that series #23, #25 and #27 are invested into one fund which probably includes CDOs from all the above 10 entities.

What does this mean in legal terms? Does it have any legal impact (to whom)?

minibond series that are solely invested into { Lehman US Dollar Liquidity Fund Institutional Reserve Accumulation Class (ISIN: IE00B03TKP85); }
{ 19 A/B, 22 A/B/C, 23 A/B/C/D, 25A/B/C/D, 26 A/B/C, 27 A/B/C/D, 28 A/B/C/D, 29 A/B/C/D;
30 A/B/C/D, 31 A/B/C/D, 32 A/B/C/D, 33 A/B/C/D, 34 B, 35 A/B, 36 A/B; }

Many thanks

大口仔 說...



pisces-hk:會唔會係幾個系列用返D資金互控呢?理論上MINI BOND都係一種投資工具。

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